Anna Łochyńska, ul. Smardzewska 23, 60-161 Poznań, Poland, tel./fax: +48 61 868 94 71, cell-phone. 0515-303-434,e-mail:
About us. Females. Male. Puppies. Guest book. Links.
Champion of Poland
MAX Apokalipsa II

2x CACIB, 3x Res.CACIB, 9x CWC, 5x Best of Sex, 2x Best of Breed
I ex., CWC - Club Show in Łodź 2002
IV ex. - Champion Class - EuDDC Łódź 2003

HD - A
date of birth: 17.06.2000

Max came to our home because his first owner decided to get rid of him - even to an orphanage if it is necessary. He was in very bad condition and bahaved like nobody has never talked to him before.

Now Max is very happy, good-looking young man, loved by all of our family and "girls". He is very sensitive, delicate and inetelligent dog. Max started his show carrier with success. We hope his progeny will be also as beautiful and nice as he is.